Properties and strengths of a natural material
Lamellar wood is a living, dynamic, natural material.
Able to adapt to demanding tasks, continuing to show its beauty, architecturally versatile, and technically efficient.
What are the strengths of a lamellar wood tensostructure?
- Load-resistant
Lamellar wood is at least as resistant as concrete, the great strength is also associated with lightness and the ability to remain unchanged even at high temperatures.
- Fire resistant
The minimum performance standard required is R 60′ (i.e. 60 minutes) for commercial and productive buildings and R 90′ or R 120′ for buildings considered to be of strategic interest. Lamellar wood is a valid choice in the field of fire-fighting building materials. The carbonization of wood, proceeding progressively from abroad inwards, in fact, allows lamellar wood constructions to thermally isolate their inner shell and maintain the mechanical properties unchanged.
- Resistant to sisms
Lamellar wood is one of the lightest building materials (450 kg per m3) and flexible on the market.
The forces agents on a building in the event of an earthquake are in fact proportional to the mass of the same and the destructive momentum of an earthquake in the presence of a light structure is greatly reduced. But not only that. The mechanical characteristics of lamellar wood constructions – by nature elastic – allow to easily support slight deformations and to “absorb the seismic wave”.
- Sustainability
We select only partners with forest management system that meets FSC and PEFC standards.
- Design and color
The forces agents on a building in the event of an earthquake are proportional to the mass of the same and the destructive momentum of an earthquake in the presence of a light structure is greatly reduced. But not only that. The mechanical characteristics of lamellar wood constructions – by nature elastic – allow to easily support slight deformations and to “absorb the seismic wave”.
What is the reference legislation of a tensostructure?
The reference legislation is D.M. 18 March 1996 – coordinated with the amendments and additions introduced by Legislative D.M 6 June 2005
This provides for a static calculation of the structure and foundation works, with consideration of the snow/wind stresses that the construction area provides.
The static calculation is the engineering operation that ensures the safety of the structure.
Plastex through The calculation of the actions of atmospheric agents can analyze the loads, considering the relevant factors, the pretensioning of the cloth, the strength of the wind, and the load of the snow.
Analyzing stress behavior is of paramount importance to ensure safety.
Thanks to our experience, thanks to the use of the best software, we can guarantee the quality and safety you need.
Is the energy report, called ex Law 10 of 1991 necessary in tensile structures?
In Article 2 of Presidential Decree 08.26.1993 n. 412 in Appendix A point d) the following is mentioned:
“D) buildings that are not included in the categories of buildings classified on the basis of the intended use referred to in Article 3, Presidential Decree 26.8.1993, n. 412, whose standard user does not provide for the installation and use of technical systems, such as garages, cellars, garages, multi-story car parks, warehouses, seasonal structures to protect sports facilities, (Article 3, paragraph 3, lett. e) of the legislative decree) “.
Therefore, for steel or glulam arched structures or geodetic structures, the practice is to consider them removable structures as they are assembled dry and therefore easily disassembled and removable.
It would in fact be impossible, even though the most advanced double or triple systems. membrane, fall within the values required by law.
Indicative parameters of thermal transmittance of the Tensile structure
Contact us now for more information and specific advice.